Friday 22 January 2016

Something Fishy for his Birthday.

On behalf of mines Mr Husband I want to thank ye all for the birthday messages, hugs, kisses and cards. He is touched. Really he is touched. Been trying to get him certified. He was 55 this year. Did I actually mention how old he was? Yes he is 55. Last night after tea he went to bed early- because he was falling asleep on the sofa - 'this is what happens' I tell him when ye become an old person. We didn't even party the day before. Although I did wrap him up in a tartan blanket and walked him around Lyme Regis and Brixham. T'was a cold day. I was worried about the incontinence- his not mine. I Had to buy him some chips and cheese for his dinner. He lost his teeth over the breakwater wall so he had to suck his chips.  On our travels on Mines Mr Husbands birthday- he was 55 ye know- did I mention that? we found three dead animals. I have no idea what they were- they were unidentifiable. Bit squished to be honest with you. He wouldn't let me bring them home. He said he didn't want squished animals for his birthday. I did manage to find him a nice trainer shoe. He needs new ones. I just need another now and he will have a pair. Then when we was down the harbour I found him a nice seal but it was still alive and a proved a bit of a bugger to catch. Then I found him a fish. T'was already dead- 'tis a trout for ye', I said with much pleasure. 'Tis a shark' he cried. Ye never seen a harbour empty so fast in all ye life. He could have had it to go with his chips to have a little suck on. But nope- he made me leave it there- but I took this picture of it - will have it framed for him. A memento of a grand day with an ol' man on his birthday. (He was 55- I might not have told ye that).
Then we had cake when we got home - least he didn't need his teeth for that. Then I gave him the bumps. Well cos of me dodgy hip, and T'was just us two so I couldn't lift him do it by meself. So I stood him on a chair, and pushed him off 56 times- 55 for his birthday and one for good luck. And a few more times besides because I have to admit I was enjoying myself - 'a bit too much' he said for his liking. Well ye can get carried away. I think I just lost count. I am not good with numbers. I pointed out he will be 60 next. He says we don't age in increments of 5years- whaaaaaat? He has been an old man since birth. He was born wearing a cardigan and slippers and he never had a dummy- he had pipe. Tis true is that- I have seen his baby pictures. Anyway he says I am to thank ye all from his bottom. He is 55. Did I mention that???
P.S. He says that should read bottom of his heart - not his bottom.x

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