Sunday, 17 May 2015

Jack, Swinging and Nudity update

Mines Mr Husband has asked me to point out that he wasn't in a mood (see earlier posting) because the brakes had broken but rather the because the Jack had snapped in half and the car fell on top of him. He actually came in with the Jack in his hand to show me. 'What the feck you want me to do I asked'?- although I did hand him a cloth to clean the blood off the Jack. 'Jeez', I said, 'casn't thee do a simple job without breaking something?'. He muttered something about needing a hospital and I told him 'well ye can't go can ye until ye have mended the brakes on the car so get yeself back out under the car and get job done man. Feckin hell.'  He said call me an ambulance. So I stood there saying 'ye are an ambulance-now get yeself back out under car'. I have used some carpet tape stuff to mend the Jack for now. We use that for everything in this house. All house is held together by it. I think MMH had a job lot at one point. Mines little sister (with the issues) used to it to get a veruca off her foot and mines other sister (the psychotic one with the came toe and all the kids) uses it to do her itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini waxing. Don't worry mines Mr Husband is all mended now! And I am so enjoying a sing song today! Also my blog spot is doing so well. 11 views in 2 mins. I am still big in Alaska!!

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