It has
been all fun and games up mines place this week. Well to be more precise- up Mines
Mr Husbands place. You know the place where he spends time pretending to be
flying (and earning the real money). In his cock pit. There happened to be a
bit of a slip up in this cock pit. Well actually there happened to be one
almighty cock up. Well to be perfectly honest it was Mines Mr Husbands cock up.
Quite unintentional ye understand. Ye don't make Cock ups of this size on
purpose. Unless ye are really bored. He has been in rather a tight spot in the
cock pit all the week with this yer cock up. To be truthful a whole tube of KY
jelly couldn't have got him out of this one easily. It was such that the Big
Knob had to come down from yonder branch.And when I say Big Knob - I mean the
Big, Big Knob. The Big Knob wasn't even big enough or brave enough to tackle a
cock up of this size. And there wasn't too much hob knobbing either. I pleaded
with Mines Mr Husband to let me come with him and have doings with the Big, Big
Knob myself. But Mines Mr Husband stood firm. 'No, ye little twinkly tinsel
tits' (he calls me all things Christmassy at this time of year), 'ye Gods I
fear ye shall make things worse'. T'was what he said to me. All I wanted to do
was run my ideas for a better workplace for thems all. I did make a list of
these things once- did ye not read them?? I think a few net curtains, scatter
cushions and fresh flowers would make a world of difference and cheer up a dull
office. Also I think it would be good to get them all to have a group hug and
sing 'Jesus wants me for a sunbeam'- cheer them all up before work. Still
though Mines Mr Husband said he would remain firm during this cock up and I
would have to stay at home. 'Ye can't come in to hob knob with the Big, Big,
Knob during this massive cock up because tis a sticky situation and ye could
make the sticky situation even stickier'. Personally I think he thought I would
make a booby as well. Or that and turn up naked on mines wrecking ball. Or do a
bit of twerking. Owt tis possible with me. I go by whatever mood in be in at
that moment. 'Ye stay at home my little xmas fruitcake' (I told ye he calls me Christmassy
things at this time of the year)- 'ye search for short ass flaps, or Manky, Wanky
donkey flaps like that there woman had on the telly to let her little pony
enter when he felt like it'. Anyways he said there was much tension what with
the cock up and the Big, Big Knob from yonder branch being in town and they
were all waiting anxiously for a small part from the American part of the
world. It would be a very special delivery. 'I sit here all the week alone
waiting for a small part' I tell him. 'I don't even mind if a larger part
arrives- I will take whatever comes'. Anyways the small part arrives and they
send one of the Small Knobs from yonder branch to put it in. This has not gone
down well with Mines Mr Husband or the other Knobs at this branch. Even the
Brown Nose Creep is showing his displeasure. It seems that for all the Cock Ups
down there this week there has not been much pleasure all the way round. I
think they should have allowed me to go in and have doings with the Big, Big
Knob- I could have eased the tension greatly among all thems knobs I reckons.
Still I tell ye there are stirrings and strifes between thems Small Knobs and
thems Big Knobs and the Big, Big Knobs. I feel there will be a stand off
between the knobs over this cock up. Mines Mr Husband and some of the other
Knobs could very well tell the Big, Big Knob where to stuff his cock up and his
cock pit. It may not end well my friends- I do so fear. There could be Cock
Ups, Cock Pits and Small Knobs and Big Knobs and Big, Big Knobs flying all over
the place!
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