I be sure it ain't normal to fall asleep during ye workout
but I do. Do ye all do that or is it just me? I bet Davina don't have this problem! I ain't cut out for all this exercise malarky
I tell ye. It ain't natural. I don't think it be good for me arferitis at all-
it be hurting too much to get down on that exercise mat even. Then I have to
roll round the living room looking for something to pull me poor aching tired
body back up with. On the plus side I can see right under settee and today I
found a pen top, a penny, a bit o bacon from me pizza t'other night, and a bit
o chocolate. The bacon and the chocolate was still good to go- once I took the
fluff off- tasty combination if I must say so mineself. Mines Mr Husband finds
it all a bit disgusting. I says to him 'Ye would be glad enough to eat it if ye
was hungry. And if ye would let me have a dog I wouldn't find bits of food on
the floor cos he would beat me to it. And not only but also if I didn't have to
get down and do these stupid workouts I wouldn't find 'em either cos I wouldn't
see that far down'. I told him I ain't getting down for no more workouts. He
said 'ye must me little pickled pumpkin- it be good for ye joints'. I told him
straight the only thing that gets me down there is knowing I might find some
food under the settee whilst I been down there-ye can find some tasty tit bits under there - ye can keep ye pen tops and ye
pennies. (Secretly hoping he might put some cake down there everyday now to get
me down there- and I won't be worrying about getting back up). I want to wish
mines little sister (the one with the issues and the day confusion) all the
best in her new adventures- don't be getting yeself into any trouble and keep
away from the freaks!! We shall miss ye. xxxx
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