We was watching the advert for the new Vauxhall with the
integrated bike rack. 'That be nice' said mines Mr Husband. 'Mmmm' I says 'I
know someone with one of thems'. He was curious then. 'Who do ye know my
pickled pumpkin with a new Vauxhall?' I don't know what he was on about -
'No-one' I says- 'I know someone with an integrated bike rack- her across the
road- the family size gateaux shaped one- I've seen it when she bent over
tending to her bush'. Mines Mr Husband looked very shocked that I noticed
things like this- but I have all day to observe such peculiarities when he is
at work. I also think tis a bit nippy tonight. I been out to get mines washing
in. 'Tis bit nippy noodles out there' I said to him on my return- 'Put ye
feckin clothes on then on- it not be good for ye nipples' he said. I nipped
next door to she that be shaped like an ironing board. 'Do ye think it be cold
me dear?' I asked her. She agreed- 'Yes, it is a bit chillier' she said. 'Turn
thee heating up a bit then' I said- 'We feckin freezin in yer'. I don't think
there was any need for her to take a swing at me. Tis supposed to be all economical
this all electric, skinny bitch house. T'would be more economical if she would
turn her feckin heatin up!! And on the plus side I
have booked an anniversary holiday treat for me and mines Mr Husband- seeing as
it is as anniversary on the same day as mine. I am beginning preparation for
grand adventures!!
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