Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Tits and Other Pleasures

I know ye all be thinking that I be quiet- well I been busy making a snowman. I know in July as well. But he be finished now. Then as mines Mr Husband has had a few days we been off to the woods to look for bears. (Ye know the drill- look for bear shit behind the trees because they always shit behind trees- tis how ye tell the back from the front of the tree- mines mother told me this). He was hoping to see little tits enroute but alas there was none. We seen some nice creatures and I took some nice photos. I must tell that council the woods is very hard for someone like me and impossible in ye mobility scooter. I could have had a nasty accident. Then we went to Exmuff to watch the tide. I found mines Mr Husband a present. 'Come yere mines Mr Husband- I found ye a present' I said. 'Oh no'- he grunted 'What dead creature am I getting the pleasure of tonight?' I surprised by telling him it was still alive and very beautiful. Indeed it was. T'was a jelly fish- still swimming and alive. 'Be Quick', I said 'Ye have to catch it ye self'. He chased it all along the sea front. Still he couldn't catch it 'Ye have to be bolder than that me ol' babbers' I said 'Grab it with both ye hands- no- the jelly fish' I shouted. I couldn't keep up with he- not with me arthritis and all. Anyways he let it get clean away claiming it was too slippery. I tell ye that man he ain't grateful for presents whether they be dead or alive. Waste of time scouring beaches and countryside for him. I will do ye some of me photos of today later. I be off to Zummerzet tomorrow for me treatment - the one where the osteo pulls and pushes and sticks his knee in me back-but it will make me feel better apparently. Also I be getting new glasses so I can sees mines Mr Husband closer. Tomorrow could be a long day!! See ye all

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