Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Nipples, Bedroom Bouncing, and Chocolate

Well guys we have finally done it- the old house is empty and handed back and sparkling like new. The osteopath forbid me to do any cleaning or work yesterday but I ignored him I am afraid (but I am paying dearly for it today- the pain is toooo much today- but at least all our deposit comes back). I told Mrs Droopy Drawers the agent if I don't get it back in full I will be very feckin angry and ye won't like me when I am very feckin angry. Don't mess with the Zohan or the Beth! I want to thank my little sister (the one with the issues not the pyschotic one with all the kids and the camel toe!) for letting me dump all my junk in her bedroom! And I had a bounce on her bed. Go me!! Plenty more junk where that came from too as we have room for nothing else now. Even mines Mr Husband has been relegated to sleeping in the garden. Although it could be that he just is stuck behind that load of boxes. And I have not yet mastered the vertical limbo to get in the shower cubicle- it be no good for nipples that door I tell ye. The neighbours are all a joggy lot- I am not telling the osteo- he will have me on that game next and I haven't forgiven him for mentioning aqua whatsabics yet. Telling me to give up chocolate and start excerising indeed my arse! I be absolutely knackered and I will get back to ye all as soon as the adventures can begin. Mines Mr Husband has gone to work for a feckin rest- I have to stay here because I am truly wicked and there ain't no rest for they buggers (sssh don't tell him but I am in bed eating chocolates and then I am going to watch long lost family on t'internet because this way I may see some of mines long lost family!!) I will be back soon because I am like Arnie Oldsportsandknickers. Loves ya all.xxxx

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