Sunday, 25 October 2015

Tits on Coasters

Mines Mr Husband is getting wearier and wearier so we have discussed his retiring. He says 'We have to have something to live on pickle- we can't just retire to a little cottage in Cornwall without means'. He always looks for obstacles. So I said 'My book is selling- we will live on the proceeds'. He pointed out that £20 won't actually last long. So I said 'there is always my photographs- I will put me tits on some coasters. They will look good on coasters'. Do ye know what he said? No? Well I will tell ye. He said 'they will good on my face'. So he has gone to work today with a coal tit coaster stuck to his left cheek, a blue tit coaster on his right and a great tit stuck to his forehead.  I like to comply with his wishes where I can.

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