Thursday, 8 October 2015

A cornish Affair, Creamed Nipples and Candy Floss

I know ye are all wondering why I haven't told ye all about me holidays. Well I have been in a very dark place since I got back- yes I been locked in the cupboard under the feckin stairs again. Note to self ; ask mines Mr Husband to buy me a new cupboard under the stairs as current one has been filled to full capacity with ironing. Needs mines little sister (the one with the issues and the day confusion) to come and do mines ironing. She likes ironing. Anyways I am out of cupboard now- I was forced out by the ironing board in t'end. So do ye want to know what I got up to?Of course ye do- so yer goes me ol' babbers.

T'was a nice manor we stayed at-  it had a lovely welsh dresser for all me ornaments and nails in the walls for me pictures. See I told ye all I needed to take me ornaments. Fortunately I did sneak a few in when Mines Mr Husband wasn't looking. The bed was lumpy. I tell ye before I am like the princess and the pea. If some buggar has peed in a bed before me I know. One was too hard. One was too soft. And there wasn't one just right. And same goes for beds. I know how feckin Goldilocks felt now- poor cow. Noah knocked three times for his furniture back- but T'was clean enough I guess for someone like me with OCD. I did take me own cleaning stuff though. Took mines Poor old Mr Husband six trips up and down to unpack the car and eight when we was leaving!

We walked over hill and over dale, up and down the cliffs and many steps. Mines poor, poor feckin hips- never knowed now't like it in thems little lives. But T'was all to see some breathtaking scenery and I am officially in love with it- all over again. Infact if I ever have to choose betwixt Cornish Cliff and mines Mr Husband tis going to be a tight choice I can tell ye. He best just hope I am never forced to choose at a time when he is getting on me piggin nerves. At one time, ye never guess what I did on the cliff top- I actually went beyond a sign that said 'DO NOT GO BEYOND THIS POINT'. Tis true I feckin did. And it felt great. I was being rebellious. More rebellious than putting a teabag in the wrong recycling bin. Mines Mr Husband was shocked. He thought I would fall. Still he was the one who went and sat like a cockle on a rock way too high.

We photographed this and we photographed that. I took 1000 pictures on mines camera and then I took another 400 on mines phone! Sometimes I even wandered away from mines Mr Husband. Yep I did. I was a real dare devil on mines holidays. I photographed a kestrel above mines head and bull in a field. Dozens of rocks and much water and many waves and hundreds of boats. But I loved every minute of it.

One day whilst we was there T'was our 6th wedding anniversary. Mines Mr Husband hadn't got me nothing just yet but I didn't cry or nuffin. I got him a Terry Pratchett book and then we went out all day- that must have been torture for him (not that I bought him a book- the fact he had to leave whilst we went out) so I think we are even. We found a nice little cafe in a campsite. I ordered a cream tea. T'was two heart shaped, freshly baked scones. So fresh they was warm. The nice person who brought them to me said 'shall ye be sharing these?' -( I really don't know what all this sharing stuff is all about!) Mines Mr husband was just about to say Yes- when I grabbed the plate and glared at him and then at her 'No we feckin shan't' I said 'He can get his own'. And I tell ye I ate them both. And I didn't even feel guilty. Not even sick. 'Put your top back on please' mines Mr Husband said 'Tis rude of ye to be topless in this nice little cafe'. I explained I didn't want to get jam and cream on me best tee shirt. He said 'but ye will ruin ye nipples- put them away before ye gets arrested- again'. Then mines Mr Husband took me to Newquay. Newquay has special memories for me of happy times with mines little children when we all lived together and we was happy. We wandered round and round photographing this and photographing that. T'was a happy day and I kept thinking about the scones. Infact I have thought about them scones every day since I got home. I can't get the image of thems scones outta  me head I tell ye. I think I am becoming pastry dependant. And I am supposed to be pastry intolerant if truth be known but it happens to menopausal woman this pastry dependency. It shows no consideration for ye intolerances. Ye also become intolerant to fools (of the people variety not the gooseberry variety) and bullshit. Apparently. I also managed to find, much to my excitement, a couple of dead pheasants at the side of the road. I was going to give these to mines Mr Husband for his anniversary also. He said he didn't want them and he would make do with a cheese toasty. Then I got quite excited because I seen a weasel. This is the first time I have seen a real weasel. Ever. 'What it is it?' I asked mines Mr Husband. 'Tis a weasel mines little fruitcake', he said. 'I will get it thee for our anniversary', I offered. 'But tis dead', he said. T'was true, it was a weasel that had already popped. But nevertheless if its the first time ever you have seen one tis still exciting. Mines Mr Husband said he didn't want it. But I have decided that Cornwall not only offers the best scenery ever it also has the best presents ever- even if they are dead. Dead is good because tis money saving. Down yer in Devon we only get dead mice and dead blackbirds. Oh and the odd old welly.

We went to Padstow. T'was there I spotted a cake shop. I was cooing- face glued to glass. 'Get thee behind me Satan' I said. He did. Then he pushed me right feckin in. It was a cake shop that belong to a certain celebrity chef. I eyed up a pair of delicious looking meringues filled with cream. Mines Mr Husband was going to buythem for me. Then he looked at the price tag of £6.50 each and turn'd me round to face the door again- a bit sharpish if you ask me. Made me quite giddy. Think he was trying to erase me memory. He do sometimes think he is Superman. It would take more than Superman to make me forget a pair of meringues like that. No meringues for me from there. Told ya he pisses on me chips. And now he is pissing on me meringues. Can't get the image of they meringues outta me head I tell ye. Then we went to the beach. I found mines Mr Husband a nice bit of cuttlefish. I told him it would be good to sharpen his beak or something on . He threw it back in the sea. I could have give that to a budgie. Mines Mr Husband pointed to a sign that said you couldn't take things of this beach. I put a couple of pebbles in me pocket because I was in a rebellious mood on this holiday. There wasn't any shells but T'was a lucky thing I happened to take me own shells on this holiday. Ye never know what thee's going to need on these yer holidays. Nowhere is ever equipped properly in these days of austerity.

We seen David Stow- the bloke who makes the cheese. Well we didn't se him Exactly. We seen the place that was named after his cheese. We seen Michael Stow his brother and Jacob Stow his father.

I asked mines Mr Husband if we could go back because tis mines favourite place Cornwall. He asked why. I said because they like my baps. Tis true. He said 'how do thee know that mines little pumpkin?'. I said 'well when we went there it said Welcome Careful Cornwall drivers and girls with Nice Baps'. (Ye can google Nice Baps in Cornwall if ye likes and ye will see what I mean!). He said 'I think you have many signs mixed up there mines little fruitcake- but I see your points'. He is always looking at my feckin points. Anyways I can only go if I say sorry to some peoples - again!!

I must render apologies to

The men dressed in orange suits with the little orange boat on the beach for pretending I was drowning naked in order for them to rescue me- three times.

The woman jogger on the cliff top- I shouldn't have said 'ye needs to jog a bit faster and harder to shift that fat off ye arse Mrs'. Personally, if she hadn't stopped to give me a gob full, I think she might not have lost her footing and she could well be alive today. Sorry about that. Jogging be dangerous I tell ye.

The screamy kid with the bucket stuck on his head- sorry about that- but ye do look marginally better and it did stop ye screaming for a bit. Tis not my fault ye got sticky out ears and I had to jam it on really hard to fit 'em in. Nice spade by the way. Using it in me garden at home now.

To the woman I pinched the meringue from in Padstow- ye just don't know the trouble I had to go to get that out of thee hand. Lot of sneaking up on thee. I ain't got 320 vision like a feckin seagull ye know. Had to take me chances where I could and I was verily tormented by ye licking that in front of me. And to be fair you didn't need it- ye got enough feckin fat to be dealin with there ye do.

To that little girl - It was wrong of me to snaffle thee candy floss, but T'was really bad for a little girl to have so much candy floss. I told ye before- all ye teeth will fall out and your nipples will go green and the boys won't want thee.

The man with the hand gliding thingy on top of cliff that I gave a little push too. How the feck was I supposed to know ye wasn't ready- thee didn't say ye wasn't yet attached to ye doofer watsit. Ye silly old fool (dead fool- Rest in Peace Chap).

The young girl in the gift shop in front of me for givin thee a wedgie and making thee scream. Ye shouldn't wear thongs a) too small and b) showing over thee jeans.

That be it- I surely ain't apologising to the rest. I just hope that somebody dug out they three kids that I buried in the sand up to their necks before the tide comes in.

Final note- I am still trying to work out why that woman came into the museum and asked that man that strange question 'Excuse me, do you mind if I wash me hands up your little back passage?'. More curious was his answer ' not at all- go right ahead'. Made my day you two peoples did. Just glad I didn't watch.

So there ye goes folks. That was a snippet of mines holidays for ye.

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