Did you
wake up a miserable fecker today? Or did you let him sleep? I am letting mine
sleep. (Sulking I bet cos FLUF (fat little ugly fecker who steals promotions)
is still there!!! If yer the miserable fecker take a look in the mirror at yerself.
What is it that is getting on yer nerves today? Does the way your mother put
yer hat rankle with thee. Is it perched like a cockle on a rock on top of yer
head? Or did yer part yer hair in the wrong place today? Look up- I am talkin
about yer hair on yer head- not yer legs. Or is that yer one of yer eyebrows
off by mistake when yer cuts yer fringe (Or is that just me??). Stop- check- is
yer knickers on back to front or inside out, or yer socks on the wrong feet?
Tis all things that can cause a soul misery. Have yer just noticed the cat in
the kitchen yer been talking to all morning is just yer handbag (No?- just me
again then!). Well whatever tis, tis a beautiful sunny day and if yer have a
touch of the piftics today get yer self out in that there sunshine. Take yer
cat and yer handbag and yer sun cream and Uncle Tom Cobleys hole and enjoy the
sunshine- for next week it be sure to be freezing yer arse off and blowing a
goolie again.
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