A few months ago I filled in a survey on what I thought of the
Conservatives policies. Fair do's. I don't mind giving me two penneth
and I ain't got much else to do have I? Anyways ever since I been
getting emails from Dave himself inviting me to his party. I think he
really likes me and we are getting well friendly. So I have decided to
write back and accept his invite.
Alright Dave me ol' mate?,
feel I can call you mate now seeing as how we been getting to know each
other a bit better of late- due to all the emails and invites you been
sending me. You are very good with the little heart moticons things
aren't you? Anyway I have thought about it and I accept your invitation
to come to the party- as long as there is jelly, cake and sherry trifle,
balloons, party string and pass the parcel. (Please check the parcel
carefully for explosives before I get there). I am supposing you want me
to come because you know what fun I am at a party but I must warn you I
do strip so I do not want any policemans there to arrest me or call me a
naked pleb. Also I do like a certain type of music- I like Wrecking
Ball and I do a bit of a party trick with one of them. You will like
that. A space hopper will do if you can't get a wrecking ball or you are
worried about your antiques (like some of them old peers you have
there). But I will be careful. Promise. You know what one of thems is
don't you? A promise. You make them just before an erection. I think
that's what mines Mr Husband says. My promise will be as good as yours.
Promise. Also I do like a bit of Elvis karaoke but I don't wanna see any
of they old geezers squeezed into white suits with black wigs. I know
what they old geezers are like for dressing up and wearing wigs
especially at your parties. I have seen them on the telly whilst they
been in your big house- the one with all the green and red seats. Also I
don't want to see anyone in a white suit of any sort (they make me
nervous). I don't want cheap booze or food either, none of that Lidl
crap. I only like Tesco stuff Ok? Oh and I don't wanna a do agadoo
either. Its outdated. Its all about wrecking balls these days.
wondered also if you could send a car for me- not a white one with
yellow lines and blue lights like they keep sending to me here either.
If not send me the address and the post code and I will get me brother
in law to give me a lift- he got one of they thems sat navs you know.
the funny chap with the blonde wig be there? I think he calls himself a
clown or a mayor or something. He's a right laugh he is. I like him. I
hope he is there. If you haven't invited him yet don't forget to ask
him. Tell him I will be there. Also If there are very many old peoples
there you might like to have a first aider there because some of them
tend to have a stroke when I flash past naked. The last party I went to
like this, two old men had a stroke and the other missed and hit the
floor a bit hard and needed stitches.
Finally it might be a good
idea to get the kids a babysitter for the night, you don't want them to
be traumatised by my naked dancing. (But do try and remember who you
leave them with mate, cos to be honest you aren't very good with this
part of being a dad are you and it don't look good do it.) And no
politics- I don't want a waste a good party talking politics.
Lots of love
Your mate BizzyLizzie
P.S.Just remembered the blond chap- Boris I think they call him- but I think thats not his real name. Do you mind if I call him BJ for short. (Big John!)
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