Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Doctors visits, Driving and Cake

Mines husband has brought the shopping list back saying he couldn't get half of what was on the list I gave him. He couldn't find thingys, ooojamaflips, thingmajigs and whotsitdoodahs. Excuses, excuses.I shall have to go myself. Men!

Shopping for an internet password book for moi little sister. Can have a new one or a used one. The used one sounds ok. Someone's passwords -cheap at half the price. Lets hope they got a healthier bank balance than mine.

 The trip to the nurse was quite uneventful this time but I do realise that I need to get out more often because I drove all the way there and I mounted the pavement at least three times but I tell ye on the way back I got smack bang in the middle of the road and put me foot down. I wasn't making that mistake again.  Also the traffic coming the other way was on the path and on the grass verges I noticed. (true story). I also remembered to change gear a couple of times on the way home. That nurse said to exercise more often so I walked around Sainsbury's and treated meself to cake and Yorkie chocolate buttons. I forgot me walking stick (sorry Maggie) so I was struggling a bit by the time I got to the checkout. I thought sit down that's what I will do. Then I got told off by the manager for sitting on the conveyor belt. Something to do with hygiene. I told him straight 'look yer mate,' (I call him that), 'look yer mate' I said, ' Don't talk to me about hygiene I got knickers on I have. I been Doctors and I have worn me best going to the doctors knickers'. (I had to go about me asthma- but you never know if they will want to see your knickers or not- Fact!). So I showed the manager I had me best going to the doctors knickers on. Anyway, they have told me not to go back again unless I am with mines Mr Husband because he keeps me under control. They thinks!!

I learned that there is something call slow mud up on the road to Ottery. I didn't get behind it thank goodness.

The Dr is still advising that to stop your child being hot and itchy all night rub in some moisturiser twenty minutes before bedtime. I did this. I have not any idea if any of my children itch all night but I have lovely soft skin- you my children should not be itching at night because momma is using her moisturiser.

Anyways I am off to sit in the sun and have me crisps and me cake and me chocolate and me coke. (This is the liquid variety called Cola).

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