Friday, 8 December 2017

Naked Snow Angels, Carrots and Danders!

All my days I have been waiting for the snow. I wakes up at 4am and guess what? Yay, snow. All over the garden. I ran into Mines Mr Husbands bedroom grabbing a carrot and a scarf on the way- 'Wake up, wake up, tis snow in the garden'. He grumbled at me 'Go away, it's the middle of the night'. Well I knew that. I am not stupid am I? I looked at the clock so I did. 'I know' I said 'I been waiting all my life for snow. Do you want to build a snowman?' He ignored me. 'Well do ya, do ya wanna build a snowman?' I was going to sing the song but I don't the know words on account of not having toddlers. Well I have Mines Mr Husband but he doesn't sing it either because he doesn't want to set me off on the 'snow obsession thing' as he calls it. 'Do ya wanna build a snowman. You do wanna build a snowman don't ya. Well do ya?'  Anyways he gets cross and says 'go away'. I drag him out of bed by his branch to see the snow. He says 'there isn't enough to build a snowball let alone a man- now go back to bed pleeeaaaase'.  I started back to my room- a little disheartened at the rejection I must say. Then I had an epiphany of an idea. 'Lets go out and make snow angels. Would ya like to do snow angels with me. Well would ya?'. Then he really lost his rag. He had his dander up. And trust me ya don't see his dander very often these days. Not up anyways. I have to tell ye guys thats why at 4am this morning, if ye had been down our road you would have seen that I was laid stark naked in the front garden, with me scarf  tightly round me neck and a carrot shoved up me arse making snow angels alone. Good job I am menopausal is all I can say!

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